Sunday, August 25, 2013

Glutes & Legs Workout + KB Class

I had a great Glutes and Legs workout today, finished off with HIIT KB class. Today's KB class was quite intense, lots of superset and in the end I had to do Sled Pull and Push for entire 5 minutes - altering with my partner. I think I got 4 sets of those.

Btw I managed to record some videos today for some of the moves below:

BB Glute Bridge
95lbs x20x2- warm up
115lbs x 15
125lbs x15 - hard last 5 - focused on getting up to a full extensions
135lbs x15- tough last 5

BB Deadlift
95lbs x 10 - ok
100lbs x 10 - tough last 3-4 reps
100lbs x 8 - started getting tough by 7th, pushed to 8. Might able to do 2 more but will be very tough.

BB Front squat 55lbs x 12- hard last 2 55lbs x 10- hard last 2 55lbs x 10- hard last 2
BB Split Squat 45lbs x 12 @each - left lost balance by 9th rep 45lbs x 12@each - right lost balance by 8th rep 45lbs x 12@each- made both sides w/o losing balance!
Butt Blaster 30lbs x 15 x3 @each - powered thru on way up & slow in way down I adjusted my positioning so I was a bit more forward than before and took your cue to power up when kicking out then came down slowly. Rinse and repeat.
KB class 5 min Superset #1: Ring Push Ups 10x (modified with reg push ups in between) KB Floor Press 10 x (used a pair of 15 lbs KB) Workout #2: 5 min One Arm Snatch (used 18lbs competition bell) 5 min Superset #3: Landmine Twist 10x @each side (45 lbs bar) Sit Ups 10x 5 min Superset #4: KB Goblet Squats 8x (used a pair of 20lbs KB) KB Deadlift 8x (used 70lbs KB) 5 min Superset #5: Sled Pull and Push Combo: 145 lbs (alternate with a partner)

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