Wednesday, February 3, 2010

P90X Lean Phase 1: Day 4 - Yoga X

I went to bed quite late last night for watching the final season premier of LOST. Surprisingly, I still could get up even before my cellphone alarm went off. So, I managed to get up before 5 am, which was my original plan.

Yoga X was quite challenging this morning, especially I didn't get enough sleep. After it got to Warrior 3, I skipped through the balance postures right away. Despite been doing Yoga X for quite a while, I still can't manage to do standing split and half moon poses, not to mention Crane and Side leg raise (towards the end before the 3 Ways Touch the Sky). But in the end, I still managed to finish the whole workout.

Observing my morning workouts these past couple days, I noticed that I started to feel hungry and had less energy after I was halfway of the exercise. I heard that doing workout in empty stomach does help you to burn the stored fat. However, I felt I had not much energy to continue, but I just forced myself to keep going.

Also another bad thing is that after the workout is done, I feel super hungry that I ate more for my breakfast. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean I indulge those high fatty stuff like bacons and sausages (I hate those stuff), mainly just more bread pieces. Not sure if this will backfire on me or not. Even though I am not planning to lose weight, I have no intention to chunk up either.

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