OMG, I almost forgot to update my blog today. This is why I prefer to do my posting in early morning, so I can get it done, just like how I like to do workout.
Anyway, Shoulders and Arms was ok. I managed to crank up more reps and using 8 lbs, 10 lbs and blue resistance bands. Also I managed to do 20 reps of side rise triceps :D
After S & A, I cranked up Ab Ripper X, despite my abs muscles already got used to it.
After the workout, I made my protein shake drink. Guess what? I guess I know the trick to drink that whey protein powder. Gotta mixed some bananas in it, so the banana taste will mellow that nasty whey protein powder. Mixed with almond milk, mashed banana, all good! Yumm!! It was my first time enjoying protein shake!
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