Friday, February 26, 2010

P90X Lean Phase 1: Day 27 - Yoga X

Yoga was good and I can feel that I become more flexible than last time. However, I still couldn't do Half Moon poses, Crane and torso. K also joined me this morning, even though he stopped after the Prayer's Twist.

This is the end of the recovery week. Next week, I'll be pounded again.

On the menu:

Mixed almond & dried cranberries
1 almond bread
1 cup of green tea
** I forgot my soy milk this morning ***

White rice mixed with purple yam
Stir fry lettuce
1 egg omelet
1 small apple

Afternoon snack:
2 small apples


Yesterday's dinner:
2 Tbsp stir fry diced potatoes seasoned with turmeric, garlic powder
2 Tbsp white rice mixed with purple yam
2 egg omelet with a bit of soy sauce
left over boiled broccoli
1 small apple

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