My abs and upper body were a bit sore from yesterday's workout and after today's workout, I think I totally killed them all. I decided to mix up my workout a bit by looking into CrossFit style workouts. Of course I don't have any access to 100lbs barbell and even though I do, I doubt I could even lift that sucker up.
Two new moves that totally burned me today were the Over Head Squats (OHS) and Weighted Front Squats.
Initially I tried to hold my 20lbs backpack for OHS but it was a bad idea. I wasn't trained to do it yet although I could do perfectly fine with just my own bodyweight. So I
swapped it out chickened out and grabbed one 15 lbs dumbbell instead and did something like the video below. Yeah...I'm such a weakling.
Front squats aren't too bad although I felt the burn more on my arms holding 15 lbs dumbbell as I tried not to rest the dumbbells on my shoulders.
Before I started off with the actual warm up, I practiced more on my double unders and was pretty happy now I could do single-double-single-double rhythm unbroken for at least 10 DUs.
Modified CrossFit workout (from
Fit Daffy's Workout Log)
Warm up:
10 reps of each:
Reverse Push Ups
Dive bomber push ups
Deep side lunges
Squats with 20 lbs backpack Overhead Squats
(holding 15 lbs dumbbell)
Workout: (front squats, reverse push ups, push ups)
15 front squats (holding a pair of 15 lbs dumbbells)
15 reverse push ups
15 push ups
10 front squats
10 reverse push ups
10 push ups
5 front squats
5 reverse push ups
5 push ups
Total workout time:
12 Pistols (each leg)
5 Burpees
Phew, I was sweating a lot in the end and today's workout was totally strength training which I like! I need to look into something like this more.