Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bodyrock.tv: Mission Abs Possible Workout

It's been freezing cold lately in So Cal (46 F outside and it's 66 F indoor without heater) so explained a lot I've been having trouble rolling out from my nice comfy blanket to workout. Anyway, today's workout was supposedly for abs. But even though that, these are not a bunch of crunches.

Workout breakdown:
Set the interval timer 10 sec rest / 50 sec on for 20 rounds.
1. Sandbag Squat (I used a pair of 10 lbs dumbbells, holding them up on my shoulders)

2. Knee Raises (I don't have a dip station so I laid on the floor and did Leg Raises)

3. One Leg Push Ups (Alternating legs)

4. One Leg Lift and Toe Touch (I alternated between beginners and regular modes)

5. Flying Jump Lunge

Despite the freezing weather, I was still dripping in sweat. Not bad. Usually people felt wobbly after the workout, meaning they pushed themselves hard enough. But for me, I won't feel the muscle sores until later evening.

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