Monday, November 15, 2010

Bodyrock tv: 8 Exercises Drill

I thought I couldn't get up at 5 am this morning to do another workout, but in fact I got up and got in a sweaty mess after completing this 8 Exercises Drill. This is an older workout from Zuzana which I thought I could completed in less than 20 minutes. Boy I was wrong.

1. A timer
2. A pair of dumbbells/free weights (I used a pair of 8 lbs dumbbells)
3. An exercise mat
5. A step stool
6. Water and towel

8 Exercises Drill (Go thru this circuit twice as fast as possible):
1. 30 walking lunges
2. 15 squats with 2 dumbbells on shoulders
3. 30 side lunges with dumbbells
4. 50 mountain climbers
5. 15 push ups
6. 30 steps up (alternating legs) with dumbbells
7. 30 backward lunges with dumbbells
8. 15 plank and rows with dumbbells

My time: 33:53

This workout was pretty good. I had to keep wiping off sweats on my face thus slowing me down a bit with the workout. Can't help it, because the sweat kept getting into my eyes and it wasn't quite pleasant. Next time I'll do this workout again and try to beat my own time.

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