Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Challenge 11: Inspired by CrossFit WOD

I actually didn't plan to workout today, until I saw this on my Facebook feed:

All sudden I got the adrenaline rush to do this workout today's March Challenge! Of course I had to modify it according to my own fitness level and whatever fitness tools I got.

Warm up: 3 minute skipping

30 reps Sandbag Swing
30 reps Burpees
30 reps Sandbag Power clean
30 reps Sandbag Push Press
30 reps Sandbag Back Squat
30 reps Sandbag Sumo Deadlift High Pull
60 reps Skipping (I couldn't do double unders)
30 reps Sandbag Sit Ups

Ideally, the deadlift would be better if I had a much heavier weight but for now I just stick with my 25lbs sandbag for most of the parts.

Time 14:49

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