Monday, November 3, 2014

Active Rest Day: Jane Fonda Butt Works & Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Warm Up:
Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Workout Breakdown (modified Part 1 to skip the weird jump)

Part #1
Sun Salutation to chair pose 10x

Part #2
2 rounds of:
1. Chair pose with side leg lift x 20
2. Hold chair pose for 20 seconds
3. Windmill x 5 (each direction)

Part #3
1. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on left leg
2. Windmill x5 (each direction)
3. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on right le

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