Thursday, November 4, 2010 Sweat is Sexy - 400 reps workout

Another time challenged workout from After yesterday's workout, my legs felt like spaghetti and I almost wanted to sleep in today. However, seeing my hubby got up and did his yoga, I forced myself to get up.

Workout breakdown (5 exercises - repeated 4 times)
1. One Leg Jump Up (10 reps each leg)
2. Sandbag Full body Exercise (20 reps) - I didn't have a sandbag so I used a pair of 8 lbs dumbbells
3. Crossed Leg Push Ups and Jump (20 reps -alternating legs) - I didn't do the jump b/c I forgot!
4. Snowboarder - 20 reps
5. One Leg Bridge and Star Crunch (20 reps - alternating legs)

Time: 29:12

If did the jump on the push ups, I might take longer. Anyway, the important part here is to keep proper form instead of trying to finish it as fast as possible but with bad form. Not only I won't get benefit from it, I could even injure myself.

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