Thursday, November 17, 2011 Hot Beastie Workout

Another new workout which got me excited but at the same time it was a bummer because I set the interval timer wrong AND I MISSED one of the move (the Dips)!

To make it up, I did an extra round for everything.

Workout: 10 sec off /50 sec on for 15 rounds
Front Squat (with 20lbs backpack) 20-17-1917
Reverse Push Up (bent legs) 15-13-11-11
SB push up, squat & press up 6-5-5-5
SB sit up 10-10-10-11

Note: For SB push up combo, my 20 lbs backpack was a bit rounder and bulky so I had to step back a bit everytime I did the push up or I couldn't push myself all the way down, plus I think I forgot to do the squat before the press up.

Next time I am making sure to do the DIPS before the SB sit up!

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