Sunday, December 4, 2011 1000 reps Workout

It'll definitely rain of sweat after doing this 1000 reps workout! I renamed some of the exercise to help me remember it better.

Workout: 10 rounds of this entire circuit
10 half burpees
10 SB squat jump (20lbs backpack)
10 push ups
10 toe touches
10 triceps dips (I did 1 leg assisted using dip station)
10 jump tucks
10 elbow plank jacks
10 jump lunges
10 leg lifts
10 plank jumps

At end of round 5, I was at 25:54. Hm, not bad.
Round 1-5 I still used 20 lbs backpack for squat jump. Round 6-7, I used the bag halfway and bodyweight halfway. Round 8-10, I just did bodyweight for the jump squats.

One important thing: I noticed I wasn't out of breath that much by breathing thru my nose and kept my mouth close the entire time! Apparently, it helped me to power thru the entire workout without being too exhausted!

I finished the entire 10 rounds in 54:57

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