I did 30 burpees as warm up and had to do the first 10 without push ups. For some reason, my energy was a bit low today. Burpees felt a bit draggy and my legs were on fire in a pretty short time.
Then I proceeded to Angry Trainer Fitness last part of 12 Days Workout Challenge- Combination.
I didn't get a chance to record this one because I was working out in early morning at 5 am and I was quite in short time. It also explains that I wasn't too keen with my performance. I wanna do this again next time when I have more time in hand, perhaps during weekend.
Part #1: 2 rounds of this entire circuit (rest 45 seconds in between round)
10 weighted squats & shoulder press (with 20lbs sandbag)
14 push ups & 1 knee tuck (alt.sides)
10 weighted deadlift (20lbs sandbag)
30 sec. sit ups
30 reps sandbag swing (20lbs sandbag)
Time 9:35
I rested for a minute then continued to the second part.
Part #2: 2 rounds of this entire circuit
15 weighted back lunge & biceps curl (each side) - I used a pair of 8lbs dumbbell
30 sec. sprint jump rope (I did high knees jump rope as fast as possible until I tripped)
Triceps dips until failure (I did 1 leg assisted dip with dip station until I could go more..mostly after 10 reps)
10 reps weighted side lunge with side lateral (each side)- I used a pair of 8lbs dumbbell but abandoned them in the end and just did side lunges
30 sec. box jump
Time 15:31
Then I finished off with 20 burpees (10 without push ups).