Tuesday, April 3, 2012

MDA: WOW Max Effort 2

Original workout from Mark's Daily Apple.

Everything needs to be executed in proper forms.

Max. Efforts of (I only took 1 min rest in between each 5 minute block)
5 minutes reverse push ups (bent legs) 2 sets of 10 + 5 sets of 5 (old: 9 sets of 5)
5 minutes push ups 3 sets of 10 + 4 sets of 5 (old: 8 sets of 5)
5 minutes squats (with 20lbs backpack) 2 sets of 20 + 5 sets of 10 (old: 9 sets of 10)

Apparently it might only look like I only improved on my push ups, but if you pay attention to the number of reps per set, I think I sort of improve a bit.

Oh well maybe I just wanna to feel better about myself.

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