Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Light Lower Body Workout

My left knee is feeling a bit better and I found this website which gives exercise references for lower body workout that suitable for bad knees. Not like my knees are very badly injured but it might help me not going crazy for not being able to do any lower body workout.

5 minutes dynamic warm up

3 Rounds of:
1 minute plank hold (elevated, lifting legs and on balance ball)

4 Rounds:
15 Sandbag Half Squat
15 Sandbag Chair Step Up (each side)
15 Side Leg Lift with ankle weights (each side)
20 Sandbag Calf Raise
20 Balance Ball Bridge Lift

Sandbag = 35lbs
Ankle weights = 2-3lbs

Time 30:31

10 minute freestyle skipping

I am beat!

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