Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Upperbody WO: Shoulders, Arms & Abs Workout

My upper back and chest are still sore from Saturday upper body WO - thanks to those negative seated pull ups so today will be more for biceps and shoulders.

Part #1: 5 minute countdown
10 DB shoulder lateral raise (a pair of 8lbs DB)
10 pike press
10 DB hammer curls (a pair of 10-12lbs DB)

Completed 2 rounds

Part #2: Bodyripped.net Shoulders & Abs Interval training
10 sec off/ 1 min on for 15 Rounds
6 Mt. Climbers + 2 side plank jumps 6-5-5

V sit field goals (squeeze the arms) 20-20-25

Elbow plank to plank, push up+ side taps 6-6-5

1 Push Up + 4 pendulums 5-6-6

Back Lifts 30-25-26

Part #3: LovingFit Simply Cut Abs (if time allows)
3 Rounds:
20 reps laying knee ins + butt lifts
35 sec split V hold (in V up position + straight eg side in-out)
20 elbow reptile side stretch (leg straight side out)
35 sec split V hold
10 reps split up + knee to elbow (each side) - feet off the ground

Time 18:03

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