Sunday, December 16, 2012

KB Sunday Class Workout

I was so pumped up for today's KB class that my eyes popped open around 6am and I couldn't go back to sleep! Geez, the class wasn't even started until 9am!

Anyway here's today's workout:
5 min AMRAP super sets (with 1 minute rest in between sets)
Set #1
Turkish Get Up (switching side) - used 10lbs KB

Set #2
1 Arm Push Press x 8 each side (used 12lbs KB)
Goblet Squat (used 15lbs then 25 lbs)
Got about 3 rounds

Set #3
Side to side push up (one hand on top of KB) x8
Single Leg Deadlift x 8 each side (used 15lbs KB)

Set #4
1 Arm Row x8 each side (used 12lbs KB then 15lbs KB)
Windmill x 5 each side (used 10lbs KB)

Set #5
Snatches x 8 (each side) - used 10lbs KB - mainly focus on the technique

Then Tabata ropes.

Great workout and I think I could graduate a bit from 10lbs KB to 12lbs KB nest time I do some upper body wo such as TGU, push press. For windmill and snatches, might take sometime until I get the technique right!

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