Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back & Triceps Workout + HIIT Spin Bike

Warm up:
Light Bent over rows
2 sets- 10lbs plates x 15 reps
45 deg Rev hyper extension x 15 reps

BB bent over rows (45 lbs bar)
Set 1 - 45lbs x 15 reps - not too bad
Set 2 - 45lbs x 15 reps - struggled last 2 reps - felt burn on back & a little on triceps
Set 3 - 45 lbs x 15 reps - left arm felt a bit weak at last 2 reps

Seated Cable Rows - alt. sides - (I don't know the exact name of the exercise so I just put the name as I described them. You could see it in Video)
Set 1 - 20lbs x 12 reps @each - moderate- focused on pulling feom back muscles, not arms)
Set 2 - 20 lbs x 15 reps @each - might want drop reps as left arm started to feel pulling from arms rather back
Set 3 - 20lbs x 12 reps @each - started to feel on arm towards the end

Close Grip Chin Ups
Set 1 - 5 reps (close grip) - performed 1 rep from a dead hang probably but arms weren't fully extended down - getting there!
Set 2 - 4.5 reps - very struggling
Set 3 - 3 reps - tried to do 1 more but couldn't bring myself up!

Overhead Triceps Extension on BB squat rack
Set 1 - bw x 15 reps - focused on keeping elbows close to body- triceps burn by last 5 reps
Set 2 - bw x 15 reps - struggled last 5
Set 3 - bw x 15 reps - struggled last 5- triceps burn

20 min HIIT spin bike (2-3 min rest w 1 min MAX effort)

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