Thursday, March 6, 2014

Back & Shoulders Workout

Mobility Warm up

Prone incline Rear Delt Raise
3x5lbsx15- focused on rear delts

DB Row / Abs
20lbsx15- focused pull from lats
20lbs x 12
20lbs x 12
20lbs x 12

Note: Had a hard time pulling from lats

Machine Assisted Pullup
4x50lbs x 12

Note: Focused on pulling from lats

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
35lbs x 12- hardtime activating lats
35lbs x 13 - better activation
35lbs x 12
35lbs x 12

Note: Focused on pulling from lats

Hammer Iso Incline Chest Press / shoulder elevated 1 leg hip thrust
3c22.5lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps / 3 x 15 @each

Seated DB arnold press
15lbs x 12
15lbs x 10
15lbs x 12- paused last 2-3 reps
15lbs x 12

Practice DB Upright Row
10lbs x 12- tried to get the mov't

DB front & Lateral delt Raise combo
3x5lbs x 12@each

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