Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Glutes & Legs

I was not so energized this morning - more like mentally I think and I was going to take it easy.

Tried out BB Pliét Squat (with bar on back)- not bad. I think I could only squat in wide stance like this with back squat style- Front squat I need to keep my feet no wider than shoulder width or even narrower to get full depth.

Then head over to Hip Thrust.

Low and behold: because of my bad math, I actually Hip Thrusted much heavier than I thought, even with the warm up set -LOL! I was thinking I loaded 165lbs as my activation set and added 10-15 lbs from there. Towards the end, I was like, hey I didn't start off 165 but 185lbs! (2x45lbs + 2x25lbs + 45lbs bar = 185lbs) - Hahahaha!! I was so glad I actually did those for 8-10 reps!

Leg Press - I went up to 120lbs (weight on each side) and got 10 reps! My left foot cramped up a bit afterward that I had to stretch it out. These were hard sets!

Then some little accessories and finished off with some bodyweight back workout.

Mobility & bodyweight warm up

BB Pliét Squat (wide stance)
45lbs x 15 warm up
65lbs x 15
75lbs x 12
85lbs x 10

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 15
60lbs x 12
60lbs x 12

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers)
185lbs x 15
205lbs x 12
215lbs x 10
225lbs x 10
225lbs x 8

Leg Press (weight @each side)
100lbs x 15 - challenging set
110lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps
120lbs x 10

Note: left foot felt tight- cramped- need to massage/stretched

BB Single Leg RDL / Weight plate Side Lunges
40lbs x 12 @each / 10lbs x 15@each
40lbs x 12@each / 10lbs x 12@each
40lbs x 15@each / 10lbs x 12@each

Reverse Body Rows (at squat rack)

Now my booty will surely feel it, especially the side glutes!

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