Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chest, Shoulders & Arms

Mobility Warm Up

Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Prone Incline DB Rear Delt Flys
7.5lbs x 15 / One Leg Hip Thrust (bench) 1x30@each
2x7.5lbs x 15

DB Incline Chest Flys
12.5lbs x 12 / One Leg Hip Thrust (bench) 1x30@each
2x12.5lbs x 12

Assisted Pullup practice
2 reps

Hammer Incline Chest Press
25lbs x 10 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
27.5lbs x 8 /Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
27.5lbs x 8 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps

One Leg Hip Thrust (bench)

BB Close Grip Bench Press
45lbs x 12 /Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
45lbs x 10 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
45lbs x 10

Machine assisted pullup (10lbs)
3 / 2

DB Incline Lateral Delt Raise
3x5lbs x 15@ea

Standing DB Front Delt Raise (neutral grip)
2x7.5lbs x 12

BB Lying Overhead Tris Ex / Incline DB Curls
3x20lbs x 15 / 3x7.5lbsx12

Lying Leg Raise / Plank w knee tuck w both hands on on Bosu ball
2x15 /2x20reps

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