Saturday, November 8, 2014

Glutes & Legs 15 minute HIIT track field

Mobility Warm Up (Jane Fonda Butt Floor works)

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / standing side hip abdct 30@ea
155lbs x 20 - warmup (butt fired up crazy)
225lbs x 12
245lbs x 8
255lbs x 6

BB Sumo Deadlift
95lbs x 8
100lbs x 8
100lbs x 8

BB Back Squat
3x80lbs x 10

Hard 10 reps esp last 2-3 reps

Lying One Leg Curl
30lbs x 12@ea leg

BB Side Lunges
20lbs x 15@ea
20lbs x 12@ea

45° DB Hyper Ext
2x30lbs x 15

1 DB Bulg Split Squat
2x20lbs x 10@ea

15 min HIIT trackfield

Part#1: 5 mins
30 sec run / 30 sec walk x 5
Av run distance: 100-115m

Part#2: 10 mins
1 min run / 1 min walk x 5
Av run distance: 220-250m

Friday, November 7, 2014

KB BOLT testing + Jane Fonda Butt Workout

AM: Jane Fonda Butt Workout

Standing Side Hip Abdct 2x20@ea
SS:Quadruped Leg Swing 20@each/ fire Hydrant 20@ea
Reverse Hyper 20x

PM: KB BOLT test lifts
10 min
One Arm Snatch
10kg x 120

3 min rest

10 min
One Arm Jerk
10kg x 136

No breaks while lifting just switching arms

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chest, Back and Arms + 3x30 bodyweight glute works

Mobility Warm Up

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise

BB Row
55lbs x 12
65lbs x 12
70lbs x 10 - new weight

DB Incline Chest Fly

Cable Wide Lat Pulldown
50lbs x 12 - too light
60lbs x 12 - ok but still light
75lbs x 12 - ok

One Arm DB Floor Press
3x20lbsx12@ea arm

DB One Arm Row
3x30lbs x 10@ea arm


Plate Glute Bridge
3x25lbs x 30

Assisted Pullup Practice
6 (last 3 on machine)

Chin Up practice
5 (first 2 unassisted)

Bodyweight Overhead Triceps Ext

Cable Triceps Rope Pushdown
10lbs x 12
15lbs x 12-too heavy
10lbs x 15

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Active Rest Day: Zuzka 12 min Jump Rope Cardio + Jane Fonda Butt Works + Core/Abs

Zuzka's 12 min Jump Rope Cardio:

50” on / 10” off x 12 rounds
Basic JR
Competition Burpee
Side to side JR
Jump squat & touchdown alt arms
Jumping jack JR
Rev Lunge & front kick (alt leg)
Scissors JR
Crab & kick up
High Knees JR
Mt Climbers
JR w double unders
Plank Jacks

Jane Fonda Butt Workout
Reverse Hyper on stability ball 30x
SS#1: med band Fire Hydrant 30&ea / clams 30@ea
SS#2: Quadruped Straight Leg Pulse 30@ea / quadruped Straight Leg Back Kick 30@ea

Abs & Core:
3 rounds:
Elbow side plank & lift 10@ea side
Elbow plank side walk 20x total
Full plank w knee tuck 20x total

Total workout: 30 mins

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up (5-10mins)

DB PliƩ Squat / assisted pullup
50lbs x 20 / 1
50lbs x 20 / 1
55lbs x 20 / 1

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers) - mini pyramid - resting only for switching weights
195lbs x 15
215lbs x 12
235lbs x 10
215lbs x 12
195lbs x 15 - singles last 5

Leg Press / assisted pullup
100lbs x 12 / 2
100lbs x 10 / 2
100lbs x 10 / 3 (machine)

1 DB One Leg RDL + Rev Lunge Combo
2x25lbs x 10@ea

Seated Leg Curl / Bodyweight Static Side Lunge
65lbs x 12 / 20@ea

Cable Standing Leg Curl

Cable Standing Back Kick

Monday, November 3, 2014

Active Rest Day: Jane Fonda Butt Works & Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Warm Up:
Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Workout Breakdown (modified Part 1 to skip the weird jump)

Part #1
Sun Salutation to chair pose 10x

Part #2
2 rounds of:
1. Chair pose with side leg lift x 20
2. Hold chair pose for 20 seconds
3. Windmill x 5 (each direction)

Part #3
1. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on left leg
2. Windmill x5 (each direction)
3. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on right le

Sunday, November 2, 2014

KB Circuit

5" on / 20" off x 3 rounds
Dbl cleans
Dbl jerk
Push up to side plank
1/2 Getup + spartan sit (R)
1/2 Getup + spartan sit (L)
1 arm half snatch (R)
1 arm half snatch (L)
Slingshot (KN circling body)

8kg for getup & double jerk
10kg for the rest

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Glutes & Legs + 12 min HIIT track field

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / front & side heavy band walk
185lbs x 15 - warmup /40
3x235lbs x 12 / 3x40

BB Deadlift / hanging on a pullup bar
100lbs x 10
100lbs x 8
100lbs x 10 - singles last 2 reps

BB Front Squat (paused at bottom)
3x80lbs x 8 ( hard last 2 reps)

BB RDL / 2DB Bulg Split Squat
85lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 10@ea
85lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 10@ea

Lying One Leg Curl / 1 DB Static Side lunge
2x30lbs x 12@ea / 2x10lbs x 15@ea

45° DB Hyper Ext
2x30lbs x 15

12 min sprint HIIT
60m x 10 sec x 3 rounds
109m-160m x 20sec-1min x 6 rounds