Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting ready to make a come back

Good news! My lower back pain is not as bad anymore and I could do more exercises though I still don't want to jump back to the high level intensity as yet! Don't want to prolong the recovery time..ugh!

That being said, I'd say thanks to lots of yoga and stretching that I've been doing for the past 2 weeks. And did I mention I could crank up 100 crunches on the stability ball? I might want to research more if I did the crunches on the ball correctly.

yesterday I did my own workout:

3 rounds of:
Push ups (about 20-25 reps)
Crunches on the ball (about 30-50 reps)
Squats with side twist (about 25 reps)
Balance Push Ups (about 10-15 reps)
Side Tri Rise (about 25 reps)
Attempted plank pike (not sure what it's called) I could only hold my balance for 10 reps - I couldn't do the pike up so I just rolled the ball like this:

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