Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm ALIVE and STILL kick ass!

Holy moly, I haven't updated this blog for a while (like more than a week???)

Anyway, good news is my lower back pain is ALMOST GONE...*almost*'s still there and I still can feel it when doing certain move. For the past 1 1/2 week I've been doing LOTS of yoga and core exercises with the stability ball.

I'm not particularly doing P90X Yoga style, though most of the poses and sequence are taken from there. Btw, K (my hubby) told me a little tips for get the most out from Yoga - deep breathing throughout the whole thing and hold the poses longer.

When you breathe in always breathe using your stomach instead of breathe into your chest. So when you breathe in, your stomach is supposedly going out instead of going in. And when you breathe out, you supposed to suck in the stomach. Do those while holding the yoga pose and I guarantee you'll be dripping in sweats in about 15 minutes, especially when you're doing the moving asanas.

And today I decided to get back to Zuzana's workout again.

I picked The Best Ripped Ab workout (50 sec /10 sec interval) - 3 rounds
1) Sumo Jump Squat and Leg Lift (17/12/10)
2) 1-2 Reptile Push Up (11/12/10)
3) Squat Side Hop and Side Lunge (8/8/8)
4) Seated V-Scissors (41/36/38)

Compare to last time, my score is actually not bad!

And following after that, I did 30 mins yoga, with the breathing technique I discussed earlier. Boy, the sweat just continued. LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Carl S said...

Welcome back to blog-land!

Glad the pain is nearly gone.