Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bodyrock tv: Sweat Another Day

After all the killer burpees yesterday, Zuzana decided to make today's workout a bit "lighter". Sweat Another Day Workout is a combination of interval and time challenge workout.

There are only 2 workouts and you do 2 rounds of them.
Workout breakdown:
Combo #1: Interval training 10 sec off/20 sec on for 8 rounds
Side Lunge Jump
#1. 23-24-22-20-17-16-17-19
#2. 24-22-18-19-15-16-20-17

Combo #2: Sandbag Rows and Cleans - 20 reps
I had to substitute this one by doing 10 lbs dumbbells rows and upright rows. Can't do cleans with dumbbells :) I wish I did 15 lbs instead. They felt a bit light.
#1. 2:04
#2. 2:37

For those in the US, Happy Thanksgiving! Try not to indulge too much and stay clean with your diet :)