Monday, December 13, 2010 WOW Booty! Workout

The actual workout for today was supposedly 7 minutes of burpees. But I felt like to work my ass more this morning so I opted to Wow Booty! Workout instead. I've been wanting to do this challenge a while back but then I knew I wouldn't be able to perform well so I waited until today.

Workout breakdown (interval & time challenge workout)
Part 1: Interval
High knees and drop down (5 sec off / 10 sec on for 16 rounds)

Do high knees as fast as possible for 10 sec and drop down for 5 sec)

Part 2: Time Challenge
30 reps of:
Pick up a sandbag/backpack (I used 14-15 lbs backpack filled with bunch of stuff) from your RIGHT side foot across to the LEFT shoulder.

Jump feet apart

Squat until thighs parallel to the ground

Drop the sandbag/backpack on the LEFT side foot

Drop to plank

Do 1 push up

Jump up

My time: 5:52

Part 3: Interval
Repeat part 1

I might do the 7 minute burpee later today. We'll see :)

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