Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bodyrock.tv: Cherry Boom Boom Workout -2

I did this workout back in January 2011, but at the time I had to modify anything with dip station to something else so today's scores might not exactly to beat the old ones since today was the first time I actually did the workout accordingly.

View the original instructions at Bodyrock.tv

Workout breakdown:
Set the interval timer for 10 sec off / 50 sec on for 24 rounds:
1. Mountain Climber Sprints (basically plank with speedy knee tucks): 88-60-61-70 (old 96-60-65-57)

2. Single Leg Raises
16-16-15-17 (old: 25-30-26-25 -(I modified this by lying down on the mat and to make it extra challenging, I kept the legs off from the ground about 1 inch when switching) - this reminds me a lot of P90X Ab Ripper X Fifer Scissors)

3. Mountain Climber Sprints 64-64-67-63 (old 58-52-54-60)

4. Sandbag Squats & Kick
(I used 21lbs backpack) 17-17-16-16 (old 15-16-17-16 - 15lbs backpack)

5. Mountain Climber Sprints 63-61-64-70 (old 57-60-56-54)

6. Triceps Knee Raises
9-8-7-7 (old 11-11-11-12 I modified this to Triceps Dips with Double Knee Tucks)

5 minute practicing double unders afterward.

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