Monday, July 25, 2011 Sweat is Sexy -3

This would be my third time doing it (first time was in Nov 2010, second Dec 2010)

First time wasn't really count cause I didn't do jump up after the push ups and I used a pair of 8lbs dumbbells. So I was aiming to beat my second time.

Workout breakdown (Repeat 4 times)
1. One Leg Jump Up (10 reps each leg)
2. Sandbag Full body Exercise (20 reps) - I used 21 lbs backpack this time
3. Crossed Leg Push Ups and Jump (or Crossed Ankle Burpee) (20 reps -alternating legs)
4. Snowboarder - 20 reps
5. One Leg Bridge and Star Crunch (20 reps - alternating legs)

My time was 33:52 (old 31:22)

Ok as you can see, I didn't beat my old time, which kinda disappointed me a bit. But here's the thing.

On my optimist side: I did all the workouts in proper forms - even the push ups were deeper for sure than last time and for the Sandbag Full Body Workout (or Sandbag Dragon Lunge as Zuzana recently renamed it), I hold the backpack side ways instead of the back handles- which slowed me down more because I had to bend my legs more to put the bag on the ground.

On my pessimist side: A little voice inside telling me that I'm plateauing.

I'm working hard to side with my optimist side.

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