Thursday, August 25, 2011 Perverted Punishment Workout

My upper back was still sore from 400 reps Burpee Workout on Tuesday and my legs were a bit tight from yesterday's squats. But those didn't stop me for sticking to this week workout schedule: Perverted Punishment Workout.

Complete 3 rounds of:
20 burpees (with push up and jump up)
50 side lunge jumps
50 jump rope jacks (I count 1 rep when my feet jump apart)
5 pull ups (subbed with reverse push up)
5 hanging knee raises (I did on the dip station) - Sean did knee raises, but in older video Zuzana did leg raises instead
10 ninja jump tucks

Time: 22:43

I'm happy enough I actually beat Zuzana's time as well! :D

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