Monday, September 5, 2011 365 Rep Belly Blaster Workout -2

I was being bad not preplanning my workout for this week (and prolly next week), so this morning I just fumbled around my workout book and landed on this one. The last time I did was about 3 months back but I had to modify 2 things: Dropped the backpack weight to 15 lbs in the middle of the circuit and substituted Core Split with Star Crunch. Today I did everything in proper forms.

Workout breakdown:
30 reps Sandbag Squat & Back Lunge (20lbs)
30 reps Triple Knee Tuck/ 1 Leg Push Up Combo (each push up counts as 1 rep)
30 rep Sandbag full body workout (20 lbs)
30 reps Forward and Backward Lunge (each leg)- (20lbs) - each lunge count as 1 rep
30 reps seated pull ups
30 reps sandbag squats (20lbs)
30 reps side plank jumps (each side jump count as 1 rep)
30 reps lift split (aka Core splits)
30 reps pendulum
15 reps One Arm Press Up (each arm)
30 reps Mountain Climber
5 reps Ninja Jump Tuck

Although I didn't beat my old time (32:01), I was content enough that I finished it in 32:11 (only 10 seconds later), especially I did all the workouts in proper forms.

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