Monday, November 7, 2011 I'm Sexy and I Know It Workout

I love that song btw!

This time, the workout was hosted by Sean, Freddy's younger brother. It's good to see a male host on so no more excuses for men saying Bodyrock is only for women!!

Warm up: double unders, lunges, squats, push ups

Part #1: 10 sec off/ 50 sec on for 9 rounds
Low jacks with sandbag (or just bodyweight) 49-51-52 (bodyweight only-I personally didn't feel safe having a 20 lb backpack bouncing up and down against my back)

3 walk over push up and 5 mountain climber combo 4-4-4
Extended legs reverse push ups 11-10-10 (halfway up only but I kept my legs extended the entire time)

Part #2: 3 minute no rest interval (10 sec off/ 50 sec on for 3 rounds)
Every 10 sec: Hold on elbow plank
Every 50 sec: Reptile push ups (easier variation: reptile no push up or mountain climber)
18-27-24 (12 reptile push up 1st round and reptles only for the rest of the rounds)

Extras: 10 Burpees

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