Monday, December 26, 2011

ATF: Strength Workout

Original workout: Angry Trainer Fitness

This workout Day #1 of Angry Trainer Fitness 12 Days of Christmas Fitness Workout. It's a nice change to mix and match my training to keep my muscles guessing. I modified some of the workout names for my own purposes.

3 Sets of:
15 Weighted Press
15 Weighted Santana Plank (each side)
15 Weighted Squats
15 Bent over Rows
15 Weighted Deadlifts

Rest for 30 seconds in between circuit.

For the weighted Santana Plank, I started off with 8lbs dumbbell but then my left side wasn't strong enough to do it so I had to scale it down to a dumbbell stick which is about 2.5 lbs. For the rest, I used 20lbs backpack.

Time: 21:54

And if you're interested, I recorded myself doing this workout. Who knows video editing could be quite fun :)

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