Friday, December 23, 2011 Dragon Abs Bodyweight and Party Rock Workout

First part was the bodyweight alternative from Dragon Abs workout and second part is from Party Rock workout with equipment.

Part #1: 10 sec off/50 sec on for 4 rounds
2 push ups & jump up (jump tuck or on a bench) 6
Starburst jump squat 20
Burpee and jump twist 8
Crossed leg push ups 12

Part #2: 10 sec off/50 sec on for 4 rounds
SB row, clean, press up, squat & press up (20lbs backpack) 6
Ugi Push Up (with backpack) 10
SB overhead, 1 forward lunge, 1 SB press & 1 jump lunge 4 (I totally messed up on this sequence)
Elevated leg reverse push up 11

Instead of the actual video, I finally put together videos of me doing the workout with "Bodyrock" Anthem music. Sorry for the blurry video on the first one - apparently the camera wasn't properly focused when recording.

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