Saturday, December 24, 2011 Get in Hot Stuff Workout - Triple!

Original workout:

I was super pumped up today that I made 4 minute workout into 12 minute interval and the 3 minute abs became 9 minute.

Part #1: 10 sec off/50 sec on for 12 rounds (Get in Hot Stuff)
SB clean, press up & 2 sumo knees up (20lbs backpack) 10-10-9
Ugi Chop (with 8lbs dumbbell) 18-18-21
Elevated dip station push up 13-13-11
Shoulder SB lift, back lunge & kick up (20lbs backpack) 8-8-8

Part #2: 10 sec off/50 sec on for 9 rounds (Kissable Abs)
Oblique sit up with raised arms 25-18-17
Weighted oblique twist bicycle** (with 8lbs dumbbell-pretty much similar to P90X mason twists) 37-46-43
Leg raise & core split combo 9-9-9

The oblique sit up with raised arms was super tough. After the first round, I had to modify it by keeping one of my foot down on the floor instead hovering the round the entire time. For leg raise and core split combo, after the first round, I had to do knee raise with core split and in the end I had to put my feet down after each raise.

**After rewatching the video again, I realized I didn't do the oblique twist bicycle correctly. I only did the way how P90X Ab Ripper X mason twist.**

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