Thursday, May 31, 2012

6 Week - 6 Pack Summer Challenge: Week 1 - Day 4

Original workout: Six Pack Factory

Same as Day 2.

I was trying to be strong and used a pair of 12lbs dumbbell as I thought the 10lbs ones were too light and I was wrong! In the end I had to use my pair of 8lbs. Next time just use 10lbs, I think those were good enough for me..not too easy, not too hard.

Complete 4-6 sets of this tabata circuit (do 2 intervals for each workout below)
10 sec off/20 sec on for 12 rounds
2 Arms Dumbbell Snatch
Reptile Push ups (Spiderman push ups)
Close grip Renegade rows & Push Up (in plank do 2 DB rows and 1 push up)
Dumbbell squat, side raise and press
Back Lunge with DB Hammer Curls
Burpees (with push ups)

I did the workout after I came back home from work since I needed my beauty sleep in the morning. Not sure if this 6 days of working out wore me down or what, recently I feel a bit not as energetic as I usually do.

But after the weight workout done, I continued with my 50 Burpees for 50 Days - Day 24!

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