Friday, June 1, 2012

6 Week - 6 Pack Summer Challenge: Week 1 - Day 5

Original workout: Six Pack Factory

Same as Day 1 and those Dumbbell Swings are BORING!!

I'll be out for the rest of the day the Universal Studios so I squeezed in this Day 5 Training WITH 50 Burpees Day 25 as my warm up

Part #1: Cardio
15sec off/15 sec on - I did 30 rounds only

Part #2: Abs workout
3 Rounds:
20 medicine ball reach
20 mb sit ups
20 elevated leg crunch
20 mb drop (like the elevated leg crunch but you put the weight on the legs)
20 weighted single leg crunch (keep feet off the ground the entire time)
20 weighted jack knives (similar to single leg crunch - keep feet off the ground and do both knee tucks instead altering)
20 mb twists (just like P90X mason twist but not dropping the weight on the sides)

I used a mini 10lbs sandbag and 8lbs dumbbell for some of the abs. Those jack knives are tough for my neck using the sandbag. And I just realized I did the medicine ball drop incorrectly on Day 1.

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