Saturday, May 5, 2012

Light Workout

I wasn't going to do a complete workout as today was supposed to be light stretching or active rest but I seem couldn't hold my urge to move my ass a bit.

At first, I did 3 rounds of plank holds as shown on Loving Fit.

Then I couldn't resist to do small abs/cardio workout from Loving Fit Killer Six Pack Workout.

Originally it was a 4-5 round circuit workout but I only had 15 minutes to spare this morning so I just did it as 15 minutes AMRAP:
100 reps side to side skipping
100 reps regular skips
6 sets of (2 side crab walks & 6 side plank lifts)
50 reps crossed mountain climbers (knee tucks)
50 reps power jump rope jacks
20 reps ball crunches (Myostatic crunches)

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