Saturday, June 2, 2012

6 Week - 6 Pack Summer Challenge: Week 1 - Day 6

Original workout Six Pack Factory

You might think Day 6 would be the same as Day 2 and 4? Hmm..nope! Today it focuses on muscle building workout.

Since this will be focusing on strength training, I didn't want to do in empty stomach. But I still squeezed in 50 Burpees Day 26 prior my breakfast. Then off to run a bunch of errands I finally got sometime to do Day 6 Summer Challenge prior my lunch.

For the weight training, I was supposed to do 10 sets of 10 reps for each with 10 sec rest in between sets of the workout below but I was like HELL don't think I could do 100 push ups yet so I just did them interval style.

So it goes like this:
10 sec off/ 10 sec on for 10 Rounds for each workout - rest 1 minute in between exercises.
Push up
Dumbbell Bent Over Row (I did reverse push ups with my dip station - or you call it body rows)
Dumbbell Shoulder Fly (Dumbbell Lateral Raise)
Dumbbell Wall Incline Leaning Curls
Triceps Dips with weight on the lap

I used a pair of 8lbs dumbbell for everything and I only kept the dumbbell for first 3 sets of triceps dips. The dips alone were hard enough to manage.

Granted I didn't do 10 reps for each exercise but i still got good sweat.

Then for the abs, I pick Lower Abs workout since I wanna work that part more!

Lower Abs Workout:
3 Rounds (I did interval style 10 off/30 on for 5 rounds):
Knee tucks on the floor
Balance Ball Lift
Weighted Knee Tucks aka Jack Knives - I didn't use any weight - it was hard enough with bodyweight already
Balance Ball Roll In
Flutter Kicks

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