Friday, June 15, 2012

6 Week 6 Packs Summer Challenge: Week 3 - Day 5

Back to Cardio and Abs Day workout again.

I know I just *love* Dumbbell Swing..well I was inspired by one of the reader (tee_w) and I added free style skipping in between plus some burpees. Apparently I only could do 3 burpees within 15 seconds.

For a warm up I did 20 burpees and the rest I sneaked them in as part of the cardio.
So for the cardio part instead of doing 15/15 50 rounds of all Dumbbell swing, I altered between burpees and freestyle skipping. It surely made time flies by very fast!

After took a short break, I set my timer to 20 minutes countdown and I promised myself that I'll finish 3 rounds of abs workout before the time went off, and I did! When I paused the time, it was 1:20. Yay me!

#2 6W/6P Week 3 Day 5 Abs Workout
3 Rounds:
20 Standing Elbow to knee tucks (each side)
20 elbow plank with side knee tucks (each side)
20 side plank hold with knee tucks (each side)

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