Saturday, June 23, 2012

ZWOW #23 and 6 Week 6 Pack Summer Challenge Week 4: Day 6

So I'm being bad again not sticking to the actual 6w/6p Summer Challenge Week 4 Day 6 workout, which is muscle building.

Instead I did ZWOW#23 for first part which took me 20:57. I modified the yoga burpee to elbow plank (sort of dolphin plank style) since I'm still tending my right wrist. Will not be doing anything that put pressure on my wrists.

Then I did the Lower Abs portion from 6w/6p to work on my weakest abs part - the lower abs.
I set the timer to 10 sec off/30 sec on for 5 rounds which is a total 1 Set.
I completed 4 Sets total.
- Seated Knee Tucks
- Ball Lift
- In and out Weighted Legs
- Ball Roll (subbed with jack knives)
- Flutter Kicks

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