Monday, July 2, 2012

6 Week 6 Packs Summer Challenge: Week 6 Day 1-6 (FINAL WEEK)

Original workout: Six Pack Factory

OMG before I know it, I am already at the FINAL WEEK of this 6w/6p Summer Challenge! So for this whole 6 days, I'll be doing the same workout so I'll just summarize everything in this one post and update it for the next 6 days. Easy enough.

Set interval timer to 30 sec / 30 sec for 8 Rounds (total 4 sets each combo)

Combo #1:
DB Swings 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
Gorilla Swings 1 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Rest 1 minute

Combo #2:
DB Snatch 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
Gorilla Swings 2 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Rest 1 minute

Combo #3:
DB Push Press 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
Gorilla Swings 3 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Some modifications I might do: Use sandbag for the snatch so more like SB clean and press.

Day 1: Done!
Day 2: Done in reverse order (3-2-1) with 500 skipping warm up (4:18)
Day 3: Done in 2-3-1 order with some mini ab works (20 knee raise, 20 squats with Core split, 20 ball crunches with 10lb mini sandbag)
Day 4: TBA
Day 5: TBA
Day 6: TBA

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