Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Back to Basics Upper Body Workout

I saw this workout breakdown on one of Tatianna from LovingFit post at EvilCyber and I thought, heh, why not trying it? Trust me, this is harder than it looks!

Part #1:
3-4 Rounds:
8-10 push ups
8-10 pull ups (subbed with assisted seated pull ups on a dip station)
12-15 dive bombers
12-15 dips
10-12 dumbbell hammer curls (I did each side with 12.5lbs DB)
15 back lifts (superman)

I did 3 rounds but didn't time it since I wanted to focus on my forms. Roughly it might be around 20 minutes.

Part #2: 10 sec/40 sec for 12 rounds interval cardio
Burpees (no push ups)
High knees with jump rope
Mt. Climbers

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