Tuesday, September 4, 2012

LovingFit: Sun Kissed Abs Core & ZWOW #31 Circuit Sweat

Warm up:
3-4 sets of plank hold (1 minute each)
1 round LovingFit Sharper Abs Challenge
Dynamic stretching

Abs& Core workout: LovingFit
30 reps ab core (start in V pose, lower the legs without dropping-back to V pose- lie down-do toe touch-back to V pose)
15 diagonal elbow plank reptile (each side) (start with elbow plank, do side knee tuck and lift leg up - keep leg off the ground the entire time)
30 bent leg side to side sit up (bent both legs, keeping them off the ground the entire time, then do sit up, reaching side way)
30 rolling core (lie down, straight legs and keep them off the ground the entire time, do side to side knee tucks)
15 side plank mill & diagonal knee tuck (each side) (start with side plank, then reach forward, touch the off ground hand with opposite knee)

Time 14:35

ZWOW#31: Circuit Sweat
3 Rounds:
10 push ups
20 competition burpees
30 jump squats (I only did squats)
40 mountain climbers
50 sit ups

Time 19:22

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