Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lower Body Workout

That evil sled push on Monday still took a little toll on my legs, especially my calves but this morning, I think I was more than ready to tackle my lower body!

Unlike the usual pre-determined sets, this time I did the opposite. I set up the weight then I did as many as I could before I started to hinder from the perfect forms.

  1. Romanian Deadlift (35lbs DB) (R/L)
  2. 30x roll back and stand up (hands on chest)
  3. Elevated glute bridge (R/L)
  4. 30x elevated plank knee tucks (each side)
  5. SB Squats (25lbs SB) - deep squats, butt below knees level
Here what I ended up:
  • RDL (Romanian Dead Lift) 3x15 then 2x20 (each side)
  • Elevated glute bridge 4x15 (each side)
  • SB Squats 3x30

Great one! I seriously need to start getting kettlebell so I could start incorporate more olympic style moves that I've learned at the class!

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