Sunday, June 16, 2013

Glutes & Hamstring & KB HIIT Workout

I had a fantastic CN last night. It was proven by my today's performance at the gym doing my workout. I felt like I could just crush the heavy weights but I had to hold back as I still need to work on my forms.

Warm Up:
Glutes Activation Drills (clamshells, donkey kick, fire hydrant, bodyweight glute bridge, one leg glute bridge)
3 minute light resistance spin bike

Glutes & Hamstrings Workout:
1 set 15-20 reps BB Glute Bridge (95 lbs.)
3 sets 12-15 reps BB Glute Bridge (105 lbs.)
1 set 15 reps BB Hip Thrust (65 lbs.)
1 set 15 reps BB Hip Thrust (75 lbs.)
3 sets 12 reps BB Hip Thrust (95 lbs.)
3 sets 10 reps BB Deadlift (75 lbs.)

KB HIIT Workout:
Part #1: 15 min AMRAP
10 One Arm KB Cleans (20 lbs then moved to 22.5 lbs)- each arm
10 One Arm Jerk (each arm)
15 KB High Pull (30 lbs. KB)

I completed 4 rounds

Part #2: 3 Rounds (40 sec active/20 sec rest)
BB Front Squat
KB Swing (44 lbs)

Part #3: Abs Circuit (20 sec active/10 sec rest 8 Rounds)
Regular crunch (feet off the ground)
Russian Twist (15 lbs KB)
Jack Knives
Dive Bomber Push Up

My own finisher:
3 sets 12-15 reps Butt Blaster (20 lbs.)- each leg

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