BB Pendlay Row / Hyper Ext 20x (used 5 lbs plate for 2 sets)
3x40lbsx12 - no racking the bar on way down cuz no squat rack available
One Arm DB Row (no rest/switching sides only)
20lbsx12- ok weight
3x25lbsx8- tough weight esp for right arm to get full ROM - focused pulling elbow back & keeping shoulders down
Seated Cable Row
20lbsx 12
20lbs x 10
20lbsx 10
V- up abs: 3x15 ( core was sore!)
Chin up practice - could do partial unassisted chin ups
Alt DB Curls
10lbsx 12 @each
2x10lbsx10 @each
DB Hammer Curl
10lbsx 10- tough last 2
10lbsx 8
DB side curl