Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Glutes & Legs Workout

Today I did most big lifts that I didn't get to do on Sunday. Boy today's workout felt super hard for some reason. It could be because I'm already on the 4th day without any carbs. Plus in the middle, I felt stomach discomfort. Not to mention I had quite poor sleep last night because it was so darn hot and humid. I woke up a couple times because it felt super stuffy and no breeze at all. However, despite all of those, in the end I powered thru the entire workout!

BB Glute Bridge / standing hip abduction 20x@ each
2x95lbs x20 - warm up set
3x115 lbs x15 - rough last 3 reps

BB deadlift
85lbs x 10- light
95lbs x8- mod heavy/ checked form making sure arched back
95lbs x 10- ok

BB Front Squats / v up abs 20x
55lbs x 10
55lbs x10- tough last 2-3 reps
55lbs x10

BB Split Squats
45lbs x 12 @each - stepping back left leg had more balance - felt burn on glutes of the rear leg
45lbs x 12 @each
45lbsx 12@each

Well everything felt tough today!

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