I like supersetting Chest and Back. Makes my upper body super pumped and I felt like I worked on a lot of big muscles at once. I got a little hiccup when trying to use 2 machines at once but in the end it was all good.
I chose to do Hammer Iso Lateral Incline Press in place of DB Incline Chest Press because I could go a bit heavier and since it's still close to the day after CN, might as well, right?
For DB Incline Chest Fly, i wish the gym has 12lb DB. 10 lbs is ok but a little bit too light already and I think for Incline Chest Fly, we can't really go too heavy, right? I still have to video this so you can take a look and see if I could actually use more weight. 15lbs was just too heavy and I couldn't even lower my arms down too far to get the stretch at my chest.
Overhand Negative Pull Up practice (assisted w leg) 3 sets of 2-3 reps
BB Pendlay Row / Hyper Ext 20x
45lbsx 12 (vid) warm up
50lbs x 10 - hard last 2 (vid)
50lbs x 10
55lbs x 8 hard last 2 (vid)
55lbsx 8
Prone DB Incline Row / DB Incline Chest Fly
15lbsx15/ 10lbs x 12 (felt light)
20lbs x 10 / 15 lbs x10 ( a bit heavy, couldn't go too low)
20lbs x 10 / 10lbs x 12 ( better ROM)
20lbs x10 / 10lbs x 12
T Row Bar / Hammer Iso Lateral Incline Press
3x25lbsx 10 / 3x22.5lbs x 10
Seated Cable Row / Push ups
4x20lbs x 12 / 4x10 reg push ups
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