Warm up:
Brisk Walking to gym 0.3miles
Prone Lying Leg Curl / standing side hip abdct 3x35lbsx12 / 3x20@each
Bench One Leg Hip Thrust 15@each
EZ Curl Bar Bench Hip Thrust 45lbs x 20
BB Hip Thrust (bench!) /heavy band seated Hip abdct
135lbs x 12-stop & go, hold last rep / 20x
135lbs x 10-stop& go hold last rep /25x
135lbs x 10- better set- stop go last 2,reps only- hold last rep / 25x
135lbs x 10- better set- stop go last 2-hold top last rep/30x
135lbs x 10- same above / 30x
Booty burn!
Note: Squat racks were so popular today! I couldn't get to use the usual rack that has low rack so I had to bit the bullet and try doing Hip Thrust using a bench! Never done this before. I thought I'd get more quad burn and lost my glute force but it turned out after 2 sets, my glutes fired up properly although I had to stop and go for the last 2 reps. But overall I could do 135lbs with the bench. That's a lot higher than the usual 3 risers that I use.
BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct
95lbs x 10 /20@each
95x10 /20 @each
95x8 /15@each
95x 8 / 15@each
Note: I felt strong with my deadlift today than Saturday. Saturday I did sumo and usually I am better at sumo than conventional, but Saturday I struggled quite a bit. Today's conventional felt better and strong.
BB Reverse Lunge (front style)
3x60lbs x 12@each - min rest btwn sides
BB Front Squat
65lbs x8
65lbs x 9
65lbs x 10- stop go last 3
65x8- stop go last 2
Leg Extension
3x55lbs x 12 - quads burnout last 2 reps
DB RDL (hold 2DBs)
35lbs x 15
35lbs x 12
35lbs x 12
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