I focused on using the weights that I could feel my lats really engaging rather than doing heavy weight that I didn't get the right tension in the right place. It surely made LOTS of difference. I could feel my lats really pumped after the lifts :)
Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown sometimes is still hit and miss, especially towards the last 2-3 reps, I could totally tell that my lats started to lost its contraction and I started pulling using my arms. Practice makes perfect.
Also I might have to figure out something with my pull up. I do well with the band but in LA Fitness there's no good place to loop that band and I don't have a chair or anything that high enough for me to step on the band. I can't really feel much lat activation with the pull up machine so that discourages me from doing it. And obviously I'm not strong enough to do unassisted pull up. For now I could only do band assisted pull up at KB gym. Might not enough but at least it's something, right?
I don't have anything to hang on at home to practice pull up..and don't get me started on that door frame pull up bar. I've seen enough snafu videos about it and I don't wanna damage my door frame either.
Peck deck rear delt lateral
3x15-20lbsx 15
BB Row / band standing hip abdct 20x@each
45lbs x 15- warm up
50lbs x 15- warm up
55lbs x 13
60lbs x 12- hard set
60 x 12- singles aft 8
60x 12- singles aft 8
Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown (weight on each side)
Focused on pulling from lats
Seated Cable Row (weight each side) / seated knee tucks 20x
4x20lbs x 12-15-weights are good to feel tons of tension & burn on lats
DB Incline Chest Press / donkey kick 20@each
3x20lbs x12
Seated DB Arnold Press
10lbsx 12- too light
3x15lbsx 12- good weight
BB Close Grip Triceps bench Press / BB Biceps Curls SS
3x40lbsx15 / 3x20x12
Arms super pumped!
Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / standing DB Hammer Curl
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x7.5lbs x 12
I might screwed up the order a bit. I wasn't sure if I should do the Standing Lateral Delt raise first or BB Close Grip Triceps bench press. I figured the close grip press works more muscles so I did that and in the whim I just super set it with BB Biceps curls.
Overall, it was a great workout. Arms and shoulders look super pumped and I could even see muscle definition. Of course lights played some role too but still nothing could beat that pumped look!
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